Tenant and leaseholder engagement

Our Tenant and Leaseholder Engagement Strategy sets out how we are going to improve the way we engage with our customers.

Engagement Strategy 2024-2026

We have worked with tenants and leaseholders to update our Tenant and Leaseholder Engagement Strategy. The strategy explains our priorities for customer engagement. It is aimed at making it easier for more people to be involved in our work and to influence how we deliver our landlord services.

Priority 1: To provide easy and convenient access to information and engagement / involvement opportunities

Information about housing services and performance will be readily available for all customers. We will aim to remove all barriers, as far as possible, to people being engaged and involved. We will use plain language in all of our communications with tenants.

We will use a variety of creative engagement methods. Online engagement is important, but will not be our only channel. Our tenants have a diverse range of needs, and there will be opportunities for all to be involved in ways which suit them.

Priority 2: To ensure that customers and their communities can influence what we do

There will be an effective user friendly framework for customer scrutiny, influence and assurance. To support this, we will improve joint-working across our different forums and meetings. Engagement activities and topics will be influenced by customers – topics and agendas being driven by what matters most to customers – and the voice of tenants and leaseholders will be heard by those making decisions affecting customers.

Priority 3: To engage effectively with local people and communities to improve what we do

There will be more engagement opportunities at a local level. All communication and consultation will be done in a way which specifically suits the local people or community. There will be specific focus on engaging with the young people within our communities, as their voice often goes unheard. A wide range and variety of local service partners and community organisations will be encouraged to work with us and to be involved in shaping services in their communities.

Priority 4: To make sure that all involved in our services recognise and value customer engagement

Local Elected Councillors value customer engagement and will be encouraged and supported to become more involved in the Housing and Neighbourhood Service.

The outcomes of engagement will be communicated – to customers, staff, the services and external organisations who work with us. We will raise awareness of the benefits that customer engagement brings. We will promote the opportunities to be involved, so that all of our customers know how they can make a positive difference.

Priority 5: To support and resource customer engagement work so that it delivers outcomes

We will encourage, empower and support customers to be involved. We will help people to feel confident in engaging with us and to be involved in a way which suits them. We will support Tenants and Residents Associations and other community groups to work as effectively as possible so that they can achieve the greatest benefits for the communities they serve. We will help to maximise joint-working opportunities.

Keeping in touch with our customers

Since March 2020 we have been issuing regular email updates to our tenants, leaseholders and others interested in council housing matters. If you would like to receive the latest news and information from us please sign up using your email address.

Contact Council Housing Service

0114 293 0000
Monday to Friday
8am to 5:30pm
Housing and Neighbourhood Service
PO Box 5967
S2 9GH

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