Health and safety enforcement in the workplace

The main legislation concerning health and safety in all workplaces is the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. This includes the regulations made under the Act.

Enforcing workplace health and safety in Sheffield

We are responsible for promoting and enforcing health and safety standards within certain types of workplace premises and public venues in Sheffield. For example: 

  • offices (except government offices)
  • shops
  • hotels
  • restaurants
  • leisure premises
  • nurseries and playgroups
  • pubs and clubs
  • museums (privately owned)
  • places of worship
  • sheltered accommodation and care homes

Advice on different workplace incidents

We provide advice for workers, businesses or members of the public regarding the following matters in the workplace:

We may also investigate the matter if applicable.

We maintain a register of information about the issue of Improvement and Prohibition Notices served under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975 and Food and Environment Protection Act 1985. 

If you want a copy of the register, please get in touch with us.

Advice for workers

If you are concerned about general working conditions, we recommend you take this up with your manager, the owner of the business or an employee health and safety representative if one appointed.

If no action is taken, or the response to your complaint is unsatisfactory, you can:

  • contact us
  • ask us a question online
  • make a formal complaint

If we do investigate your concerns, we will ensure that your details remain confidential.

Advice for businesses

All businesses have a legal responsibility to report work-related accidents causing death or serious injury, industrial diseases and certain ‘dangerous occurrences’.

All businesses should record, in writing, all accidents to employees and non-employees that occur on the work premises. These records should be stored securely and according to data protection legislation. 

Advice for the public

The Health and Safety at Work Act applies mainly to work activities by employees and the safety of members of the public at work places.

If you believe you are (or have been) exposed to any serious risk as a member of the public posed by a work place you can:

  • contact us
  • contact the Health and Safety Executive
  • ask us a question online
  • make a formal complaint

Contact Health Protection

5th Floor North
Howden House
1 Union Street
S1 2SH

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