Consultation on self-assessment of Adult Social Care

As part of its responsibilities, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) conducts a meaningful and independent assessment of care, within the context of the local authority. This assessment enables CQC to understand the quality of care in a local area or system and provide independent assurance to the public in that area.

The assessment will be evaluating Adult Social Care in Sheffield in terms of both practice and quality. 

Developing our own self-assessment report

To prepare for the CQC assessment, we needed to develop our own self-assessment report. This should outline:

  • our strengths
  • areas for improvement
  • the actions we are taking to address those areas
  • the impact of those actions

The report will inform our priorities for the next 2 years. In particular, it will guide the development of our strategy and operations.

How we've structured the report

Our report is structured around the themes that CQC uses to assess how we deliver the duties of the Care Act 2014 and the aligned Director of Adult Social Services (DASS) duties. The four themes are: 

  1. Working with People: assessing needs, supporting people to live healthier lives and equity in experiences and outcomes
  2. Providing Support: care provision, integration, continuity, partnerships and communities
  3. Ensuring Safety: safe systems, pathways and transitions and safeguarding
  4. Leadership: governance, management, sustainability, and learning, improvement and innovation

What we're asking of you

Our self-assessment report is now in its final stages as a draft for consultation. An essential part of the consultation process is to ensure the document reflects and resonates with the experiences of all. We really want to hear your views and experiences so they can be reflected in the report. 

You can view the draft version below and visit Have Your Say Sheffield to give feedback on the self-assessment.

Contact Adult Social Care Strategy

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