What do you want to do?
Attending an inquest
The Medico-Legal Centre is designed to provide the facilities and services required for the investigation of sudden or unexpected death. It comprises the offices and courts of HM Coroner for South Yorkshire (West) District and the public mortuary. It provides the reception, mortuary services and Coroner’s support.
The Centre has a strong commitment to providing a high standard of service to the bereaved and is nationally and internationally recognised as a model of good practice in this field of work. It is regulated by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA). You can read the report of the latest HTA inspection.
Everyone working at the Medico-Legal Centre is committed to dealing with the technical and legal side of the investigation of sudden death in a professional, dignified, and sympathetic manner.
If you or any members of your household are displaying any of the COVID-19 virus symptoms you must not attend. These include:
- a new, continuous cough
- a high temperature
- a loss of or change in your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
Before attending, please speak with family members to collate any questions you may have as a single spokesperson will be appointed.
Hours of business
The offices are open from 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. The court will be open at least half an hour before the start of the inquest.
The two courtrooms on the first floor are fully accessible.
When you are given a date to attend court, please let us know as soon as possible if:
- you are disabled or will be accompanied by someone who is disabled
- you require a hearing loop
- you need information in large print
- you have other needs
Car parking
You can park on the street for up to four hours. A disabled parking bay is available immediately outside the entrance.
Mobile phones must be switched off in court.
There is a free cold water dispenser and charged for hot drinks vending machine. In addition, there are supermarkets, small shops and cafes nearby.
Feel free to bring food and drink with you. Food is not permitted in the court room and alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the court building under any circumstances.
There are two accessible toilets.
What to wear
Apart from face coverings, which you may be asked to remove if speaking, you cannot wear anything on your head in court unless it is for religious reasons.
Please dress smartly if you can.
When to arrive
You need to arrive 20 to 30 minutes before the start of the inquest. Please do not arrive any earlier as you may be turned away, especially during busy times.
You will have a dedicated court usher who will guide you through your time at MLC. They will be able to take any questions or raise any concerns you may have. When in court they will ask all attendees to rise as the coroner enters or exits the court. Please do stand up. If you have a disability that would impede you from doing so, make the usher aware in advance so he/she can inform the coroner.
You may take notes but you must not take photographs or videos.