Wybourn Arbourthorne Manor Park Master Plan

The Wybourn, Manor Park and Arbourthorne area falls within the Transform South Yorkshire Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder.

Housing Market Renewal Pathfinders

South Yorkshire is the largest of the 9 Housing Market Renewal Pathfinders established in 2002. The fundamental objective of this initiative is to target resources over a period of 10 years, for interventions that will help restructure the local and sub-regional housing markets, and create successful and sustainable communities through comprehensive regeneration.

The strategic goal of the Transform South Yorkshire Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder is:

"To build and support sustainable communities and successful neighbourhoods where the quality and choice of housing underpins a buoyant economy and an improved way of life" (Transform South Yorkshire 2003).

Transform South Yorkshire has 3 strategic objectives, firstly, to achieve a radical improvement in the character and diversity of neighbourhoods, secondly, to improve housing quality, and thirdly, to increase the range of housing types and tenures.

Wybourn, Manor Park and Arbourthorne Master Plan

In this context, LDA Urban Design were commissioned by ourselves to produce the Wybourn, Manor Park and Arbourthorne Master Plan. During January and February 2005 a series of consultation events, including presentations to Area Panels, were held to discuss their draft Master plan.

There was a good attendance at most events and more than 250 questionnaires were returned responding to the draft proposals. The Final Report (April 2005) submitted by the consultants takes account of the views expressed together with further work on the delivery of various proposals.


The Final Master plan was approved by our Cabinet on 11 May 2005. The document will provide a strategic framework for investment, planning and development over the next decade with a proposed review of progress built in after 5 years.


The Master plan’s proposals include a combination of remodelling existing residential areas, supporting the delivery of decent homes, and replacing obsolete properties with new quality buildings.

Proposals are recommended for 12 key sites using existing and further clearance areas that should radically alter the quality, range and type of housing available.

The improvement of key streets and major open spaces will help to improve the attractiveness of the areas. The plan also seeks to improve the links between housing and transport infrastructure and to complement other planned and existing regeneration work in the area. Delivery of the Master plan will over time strengthen the housing market and help to narrow the disadvantage gap between these areas and other parts of the city.