If you live in a flat you will share your bins with other residents.
What goes in your bins
Each bin is for a different type of waste
Wherever possible, large blocks of flats will have:
- green bins for glass, cans and plastic bottles
- blue bins for paper and card
- black bins for general household rubbish

Smaller blocks will have:
- brown bins for glass, cans and plastic bottles
- blue bins for paper and card
- black bins for general household rubbish

Bin collections
Depending on location, black bins will be emptied every week or every two weeks. Recycling bins will be emptied every two weeks or every four weeks.
You do not need to move your bins to the pavement on your collection day. Our collection crews will collect your bin from their storage area, and then return them after emptying.
How to make sure your bins are emptied
If you are a managing agent, landlord, or resident please be aware that:
- you should not put extra waste or recycling next to the bins as this will not be taken. If there is no space left in your bins, ask your landlord or managing agent to contact us as we may be able to help
- do not put large items such as furniture or electrical equipment into your black bin as there will be no room left for other people’s rubbish. Take your large items to a Household Waste Recycling Centre, or arrange a bulky waste collection
- we can’t empty the bins if the lids are not closed
- put the right materials in the right bin. If you put the wrong items in your recycling bins, we can’t recycle them. The bins will be emptied as general waste, which could result in an extra charge being passed on to you.
Other types of recycling including textiles, and plastic items such as tubs, pots and food trays can be taken to a Recycling Site to be recycled.
If there is a problem with your bin collections, you may wish to ask your landlord or managing agent to contact us. Alternatively, you can contact us.