Listed buildings, registered parks and gardens

Buildings are listed because they are identified as having special architectural or historic interest and may be important due to their age or condition.

Buildings are listed at different grades. These are either Grade I, Grade II* or Grade II, with Grade II being the most common of all listings.

Listing a building means that any changes to a building are controlled by the Planning Service, meaning that a reasoned and controlled approach is taken to protecting it for future generations. We have just under 1,200 listed buildings of special architectural or historic interested in Sheffield.

Heritage List for England

The National Heritage List for England contains:

  • Listed Buildings
  • Scheduled Monuments
  • Registered Parks and Gardens
  • Registered Battlefields and Protected Wreck Sites

Listed building consent is required for any alteration work that affects the character of a listed building.

This can also include any work done internally to the building. Depending on the project additional planning permission may also be required.

Before starting work on a listed building contact us and start pre-application discussions. This will prevent any problems at a later date and ensure you comply with the law. Unauthorised work to a listed building is a criminal offence. You should contact us to discuss any works. You should also make a pre-application enquiry.

Suggest a new listing

To suggest a building for listing you will need to contact Historic England.

Historic England examine whether the building is suitable for listing against their own criteria. If the building is of national importance and worthy of listing they will determine what grade is suitable and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State.

Contact Sheffield Conservation Unit

Howden House
4th Floor
1 Union Street
S1 2SH

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