Jewish community research guide

Some of the earliest references to Jews in Sheffield are in the trade directory of 1797. Another early reference is in the "Jewish Chronicle" which refers to a minyan, or prayer house, at the home of Solomon Myer in Union Street in 1817.

Sheffield's Jewish community grew from about 60 in the 1840s to about 800 in 1900. This was due to immigration with many fleeing from persecution in Eastern Europe.

Many passed through Sheffield on their way from Hull to Manchester, Liverpool and ultimately America. Some decided to stay in Sheffield, setting up businesses as watchmakers, jewellers or tailors.

The community established itself in the Scotland Street and West Bar area, and was increased by the arrival of more immigrants, sent from London, by the Jewish Dispersal Committee. Many of these impoverished Jews were cabinet makers, tailors, pedlars and glaziers.

Since the 19th century there have been several Synagogues in Sheffield at Figtree Lane, North Church Street, Campo Lane, Wilson Road and now Psalter Lane. The central synagogue was destroyed by enemy action during the Blitz of December 1940.

For more information on sources relating to the Jewish community at Sheffield Archives and Local Studies Library, download the sources booklet below.

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