The Finance Act 1910 proposed to deal with the unequal distribution of land by a tax on land values.
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The Board of Inland Revenue was required to determine the site value of all land in England and Wales. The valuation survey that was carried out between 1910 and 1915 describes and assesses the value of all land and buildings in England and Wales.
Information on each unit of property was recorded in various different types of records:
- domesday Books (Sheffield Archives: SY384)
- form 37s which were filled in by property owners (Sheffield Archives: SY385)
- working plans accompany the Domesday Books and Form 37s. An incomplete series is held at Sheffield Archives (Sheffield Archives: X399)
- field Books (The National Archives: IR58)
- record plans (The National Archives: IR134)
- the records held at Sheffield Archives cover Barnsley, Doncaster, Derbyshire (part), Sheffield and Rotherham districts.
Location of records
Sheffield Archives, 52 Shoreham Street.
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Not all archive material is stored onsite and we may require notice of the items you wish to see. Please contact us to confirm when we can retrieve items for you.
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We can normally supply copies for private study purposes, subject to the usual copyright regulations. Please contact us for further information.
Background information
For more information about the records created by the Finance Act (1910).
Paper. The ‘Domesday’ Books are bound volumes.