Work and volunteer across adult care and wellbeing in Sheffield
By choosing to work in Adult Care and Wellbeing Sheffield you will have opportunities every single day to connect with others, give back to your community, be physically active and learn new skills.
You will be helping people from all walks of life to live the life they want to live and enriching your own life in the process.
Current careers
We are currently recruiting for a range of careers at all levels, these include:
- Team Leader
- Support Manager
- Social Worker
- Social Care Practitioner
- Occupational Therapist
- Occupational Therapy Assistant
- Provider Support Assessor
- Planning Coordination Officer
- Practice Development Officer
- Commissioning Officer
- Support Worker
- Casual Support Worker
- Prevention worker
- Community Support Worker (this role sits within our Community Services portfolio, but the work is of a similar nature to the Adult Care and Wellbeing service)
Why we need you and what we look for
We need the very best people who want to make a difference and understand what it means to support people in a strengths-based way. We want people who are caring, empathetic and resilient, and have excellent listening and communication skills for building positive relationships.

Benefits of working in adult care and wellbeing
In Sheffield, we will help you flourish by offering:
- generous and flexible work packages
- competitive rates of pay
- comprehensive Employee Assistance Programme
- workplace wellbeing offer
- a thorough induction and continuous investment in your development
- great opportunities to progress in your career
- a genuinely supportive work environment
- regular reflective supervision from our excellent managers
- an incredible city full of beautiful parks, a thriving cultural life and a warm and friendly community spirit
- the stunning Peak District right on our doorstep
Our different services areas
Living and Ageing Well
Supports older adults and people living with dementia or long-term health conditions.
Future Options
Supports people with autism, additional needs and disabilities as they transition from children’s services into adulthood.
First Contact Team and Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub
Triage and respond to all adult social care queries and safeguarding concerns.
Occupational Therapy and Adapted Housing
Supports people to live independently in their own homes.
Short-Term Intervention Team and Enablement Team
Care staff who support with hospital discharge by helping people to get back into their own homes and regain their independence.
Shared Lives Carer Service
Offers short or long term placements and respite care for adults in a home setting.
Community Recovery Mental Health, Hospital Social Work and Out-of-Hours, Continuing Healthcare teams
We have opportunities for you to specialise in our Community Recovery Mental Health social work teams, or to work alongside health professionals in our Hospital Social Work and Out-of-Hours teams, or to work out in the community with our Continuing Healthcare teams.
Community Support Service
We also work closely with the Community Support Service, which offers people advice and practical support.

Alexis and Dawn - Is Social Work Right for you?