About licences

The Licensing Act 2003 requires us to prepare and publish a statement of our licensing policy every 5 years.

The policy sets out how we aim to deal with applications for licences for the sale and supply of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment and the provision of late-night refreshment. 

It is a good starting point for those making applications, current licence holders in Sheffield, local residents and responsible authorities and is used by the licensing sub-committee when considering a contested application.

An extensive consultation exercise was undertaken in 2020.

Licensing applications: Residents' objections

The Licensing Act 2003 allows the views of people who live, or are involved in a business in our area, to be taken into account:

  • when someone applies for a new premises licence
  • when an existing premises licence is varied
  • when a licence has been issued and problems are occurring

To object to an application for a licence, you must either email or write to us. Explain why you are objecting and include your address so we can tell you about any related meetings.

Your objection must relate to one or more of the following:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

We advise that you make detailed notes of any incidents at the premises and speak with the relevant authority responsible. This evidence will be useful when you contact us with your objection.

Reviewing your representation

Once you have submitted your comments to us, the letter or email will become a public document. It will be sent to the premises licence applicant and/or their solicitors. It will also be included in the report that is written for the Licensing Committee Hearing, of which a copy is provided to local newspapers as standard and is available to any member of the public. In the past, local newspapers have quoted sections from the Licensing Committee Report in articles and extracted parts of objection letters and emails.

Therefore, it is advisable that you only provide details that you are happy to be published and viewed by other parties.

Anonymous representation

It is not usually possible to make representations anonymously except in exceptional and isolated circumstances. This is because we need to be certain that it is a serious objection.

However, if you fear there may be repercussions if you submit a representation to an application (for example if there are fears of intimidation and violence), you would need to contact us first to discuss your worries and explain the situation.

Object to an existing licence

Any person who lives, or is involved in a business in our area may apply for a review of a licence that is in force.

This is a more formal process to making a representation. You must submit a detailed application about the problems you are experiencing at the premises and copies of the application must be served on the premises licence holder and all the responsible authorities.

The review must be relevant to one or more of the licensing objectives and it will be rejected if it is not. You are not able to apply for a review anonymously.

Before applying, you may want to consider whether your concerns could be dealt with outside the formal review process. This could involve:

  • talk ingto the licensee or certificate holder to determine whether there are any steps they may be willing to take to rectify the situation
  • asking the licensing department to talk to the licensee on your behalf (contact us)
  • asking your local MP or Councillor to speak to the licensee on your behalf
  • talking to the relevant “responsible authority” (for example, Environmental Protection in relation to noise nuisance, or to the police in relation to crime and disorder) to determine whether there is other legislation that could help resolve the issue
Pending Licensing Act applications

We advertise applications for reviews and summary reviews.

Review applications are made against a premises with an existing licence if they are not operating in accordance with one or more of the four licensing objectives. These can be made by anyone with sufficient evidence.

Summary review applications are made against a premises with an existing licence if there is evidence of serious crime, serious disorder or both. These can only be made by South Yorkshire Police.

Make a comment about an application

Comments can only be made within the representation period, therefore, we are not able to accept comments after the closing date.

All comments must be made in writing either to our postal or email address - contact us. Any comments must be relevant to one or more of the Licensing Act 2003 objectives. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application.

The maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is £5,000.

In the case of provisional statements, representations are restricted after the issue of a provisional.

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For full information on the EU Services Directive and Points of Single Contact for other member states, visit the European Commission website.

Contact the Licensing Team

0114 273 4264
Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm
Block C
Staniforth Road Depot
S9 3HD

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