Upper Don Valley Physical Regeneration Strategy

The Vision for the Upper Don Valley in the 21st century proposes to dramatically transform it from a place often characterised by derelict land and disused buildings, which few people know or visit, to an exciting gateway where both existing and new businesses can prosper and grow, alongside housing and leisure, bringing a step change in the quality of the environment.

The Strategy identifies actions required to facilitate regeneration and development in this important area of Sheffield which is home for many manufacturing companies and sporting institutions. Some of the change will be led by the public sector but most of it will come from private investment. There are no definitive proposals in the strategy at this stage but rather a range of ideas and options for comment and discussion.

A draft of the report underwent public consultation in May 2006. The final report was endorsed by our Cabinet on 25 October 2006 as the basis for regeneration of the Upper Don Valley.

As part of the Sheffield Development Framework process, we have reviewed the land use proposals in the Upper Don Valley Physical Regeneration Strategy for key sites. There is an update note which reviews any sites contained in the Upper Don Valley Physical Regeneration Strategy where land use proposals put forward by the Consultants differ significantly to the Sheffield Development Framework Preferred Options.

Contact Planning Enquiries

0114 203 9183
Monday to Friday
9am to 4pm
Howden House
1 Union Street
S1 2SH

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