South West Local Area Committee Community Plan

The South West Sheffield Local Area Committee (LAC) developed our community plan through consultations with residents, community groups and other stakeholders in South West Sheffield.  

These consultations have helped us identify key priorities within our area, which will inform the steps we’ll take to tackle issues that matter most to residents.  

The key themes highlighted in the plan are:

  • transport and highways: includes public transport, active travel (walking and cycling), traffic, speeding, parking, road safety
  • local environment: includes waste and recycling, litter, fly tipping, streetscene, parks and green spaces, trees, air quality and climate change
  • community and neighbourhoods: includes community and voluntary groups, housing, planning, activities and events, crime and anti-social behaviour, and local businesses

Next steps 

The community plan sets out issues to address each of the priorities that people told us were important. You can read the detail in the full version of the plan.

Where issues raised by the community have not been included, a summary with responses to the ideas has been provided in the full plan.

The team are now working on a delivery plan to set out the specific actions that will be taken to address the issues identified.  A copy of the delivery plan will be shared in due course, as the team start to implement the actions that will be taken. Feedback will be given at each public meeting on the progress and what has been done to that point.  

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the South West LAC, please get in touch.

Sign up for email updates about your local area. 

If you would like a copy of the community plan in an alternative format, please contact us.

Contact The South West LAC

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